Run Time Events not working on Applets

Runtime Events - Pre Write Record and Write Record Event defined at the applet level is not working. Validations created on business compoenent works fine, however if same validation is applied on applet wrote record or pre write record, validation does not work especially when run query and go button is used.

Explanation from Oracle:

Run Time events Pre Write Record or Write Record event must work for all the scenarios. But After Defining Runtime Event at Applet Object Pre Write Reord, and if user try to click on any other option for ex: Run Query from menu item, RTE is not getting triggering successfully.

Reason being the runtime events, has been implemented on the UI layer. Please note that Write Record event is BC event which needs to be used for Buscomp object only. So tracking the write record event at Applet level is not recommended approach because might be missing all the scenarios which are apiplicable. This is also applicable for version. So its recommended to review all run time events where PreWrite Record and Write Record events at Applet Object are used, you need to change the same to Business Component Object to work this effectively.

Such a lame excuse. 😐

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