Showing posts with label SBL-EAI-11500. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SBL-EAI-11500. Show all posts

SBL-DAT-00144: Could not find 'Integration Object' named 'MBL Order IO'. SBL-EAI-11500: Empty Output Property Set.

SBL-DAT-00144: Could not find 'Integration Object' named 'MBL Order IO'. SBL-EAI-11500: Empty Output Property Set.

In IP2013 there is lot of cowboy code implemented in EAI and this is one of those examples. You will get this error if your web service is returning only one string and you have turned the EnableServiceArgTracing to True. Due to this property Siebel will try to log the input and output arguments of EAI Siebel Adapter. In this case as the service is only returning a string, siebel runs into error as it is trying to find Integration Object.

(objdef.cpp (14624)) SBL-DAT-00144: Could not find 'Integration Object' named 'MBL Order IO'. This object is inactive or nonexistent.
(xmlcnvsv.cpp (595)) SBL-EAI-11500: Empty output property set. Check to verify the input XML is valid.

To resolve the error simply remove the setting or turn it to false:

EnableServiceArgTracing : False

Its a shame that you wont be able to take advantage of argument tracing of the entire transaction in such scenarios.

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